The Best Way To Protect Car Rims. San Antonio – TX

When it comes to cleaning cars, most people are guilty of focusing most of their efforts on the body of the car. This makes sense, after all, the body of the car is the first thing people see when they look at your car. But, good looking rims are just as important. Think about it, you spend all this time and energy making sure your car’s body looks spotless, but if you do not put the same amount of effort into your rims they will get dirty and start to rust, which will make all the time and effort you put into the body of your car pointless. In this article, you will find out the best ways to protect car rims.

“When driving, especially at higher speeds, it is very easy for your rims to get scratched up. The severity of these scratches can range from barely being noticeable to serious chip offs”

What are the biggest threats facing your rims?

Curb rash

Sometimes, while driving, it is possible that you can accidentally brush up against a curb or something else on the road, which will lead to your rims becoming dented and/or scuffed up. This is especially prevalent in places with frequent snow or rain since both of those make your car a bit harder to control on the road.


If you drive in an area with lots of little bits of sand, rocks, or road salt, then one thing you need to be concerned about is scratches on your car rims. When driving, especially at higher speeds, it is very easy for your rims to get scratched up. The severity of these scratches can range from barely being noticeable to serious chip offs.


Rust is the great enemy of cars. It can infect almost every part of the car’s exterior, from the body to the engine. So, it should be no surprise to those familiar with rust that it can also negatively impact your rims as well.

How to protect your rims?

Regular cleaning and degreasing

The simplest way to keep your rims in good shape is to clean them regularly. And by “clean” we do not just mean spray some water on it and rub a sponge over it. You really need to clean your rims and put the same amount of effort into cleaning them that you would cleaning the body of your car. Really give it a good cleaning, which should help remove any bits of dirt and debris on the rims. Once your car rims are cleaned, also make sure you give your rims a thorough degreasing.

Getting regular auto detailing done

If you truly want your rims to be protected, then you should seriously consider investing in regular auto detailing. If you know anything about cars, then you know that the key to keeping a car looking great is regular cleaning and maintenance. You cannot just clean a car every couple of months and expect it to keep its shine. You need to regularly get it detailed (ideally on a monthly basis). This is where auto detailing comes in, they can expertly give your car and its rims professional cleaning and maintenance every month, which will help protect your rims from the issues we described above.

from The Detailing Syndicate