How To Do Auto Detailing Yourself – Tallahassee, FL

To maximize the positive effects of auto detailing, it should primarily be done by professionals in this field. That said, with a little research and the right arsenal, you can do each task yourself if you have a moderate budget. The most important aspect when it comes to this challenge is to not move on to the next process until you have completed one at a time in its entirety. Beyond that, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Choose The Right Weather Elements

Obviously this only applies to those that do not have their vehicle covered, however one would be surprised how often this is overlooked. For all the time and effort, not to mention expenses associated with auto detailing your automobile, it would behoove you to guarantee you will be able to avoid rain, snow and in particular colder temperatures. Adverse elements can completely undo the work you put in and render the detailing a lost cause.

“The general rule of thumb is to always start with a pre-rinse wash. From there, depending on what you hope to get rectified, you can use detailing clay to rid the surface of imperfections, and polish and wax it accordingly”

Acquire The Right Products

Systematically getting your vehicle up to speed is a process and one that you cannot handle alone. You are going to require numerous products to perform efficiently, and they include a wide range of different items. The starting point is always a microfiber towel. This is because it is gentle on car exteriors and used for various stages of the process. Next, soap and detergents recommended by your car manufacturer are a must. Even if your primary goal is not to give your ride a wash, these chemicals are integral because you need a clear surface no matter what your end game is. Car detailing clay, polish and a solid wax will round out the main items necessary for your tasks.

Be Organized

Detailing works wonderfully on cars, but only if done in the right order. If you are unsure of how you should tackle each stage, do some research, particularly on your specific make and model. That said, the general rule of thumb is to always start with a pre-rinse wash. From there, depending on what you hope to get rectified, you can use detailing clay to rid the surface of imperfections, and polish and wax it accordingly. If you are doing more extensive exercises, like re-painting your car, the paint will always need to be followed with a clear coating to protect the areas you have covered.

Repeat Each Process More Than Once

Almost every aspect of auto detailing necessitates numerous routines of the same task. For example, washing, waxing and polishing all can use numerous coats; so much so it is recommended. The grace period between each coat you are placing is usually 1 to 3 hours, unless you are dealing with paint. Paint should be left untouched for days, as it is not worth having to start over just to apply a fresh wash.


Handling precise detailing of your car is difficult and requires practice, and perhaps even more so, patience. While it can be a fruitful endeavor to take on solo, it is wise to have experts partake in the experience so nothing is glossed over (no pun intended) and no corners are cut. Professionals can get the most out of your vehicle and do so swiftly and error-free.

Original article taken from The Detailing Syndicate