How To Detail A Car Interior – New York City, NY

The interior of your car can become a mess seemingly overnight, and even if you have been consistent in its cleanliness, a thorough detailing is advised to maintain its upkeep. Car cleaning from the inside out is best served by performing tasks from the ground up. The most successful way to accomplish this is to remove as many loose items as you can in the vehicle. It goes without saying trash should be eradicated, but it is also wise to take out the car mats and any additional accessories.

“Similar to your dashboard and center console, it is smart to clean your windows before getting to the seats, as before, spray the window cleaner into a sheepskin cloth or soft towel… make sure you do not use the same detergent on your windows as you do on the vinyl”

Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum

Using a Shop Vac or similar device, vacuum as many surfaces as you can as meticulously as possible. Pay special attention to the areas in between the seats and cracks on the dashboard. It is even advised to vacuum the roof of the car if you have the means. Outside of the automobile, vacuum the car mats as well, regardless of if they are plastic or carpet.

Clean Dashboard, Steering Wheel, And Center Console

Using a microfiber towel, wipe each surface after vacuuming to gather up the remaining dust and particles you may have missed. On the clean side of the towel, spray car interior cleaner and rub each section generously one at a time. Shampooing your car seats is generally recommended after the fact to pick up the excess cleaner in case it has been sprayed erratically. You’ll know the vinyl is healthy and

clean when you cannot feel the cleaner on your finger after it has dried.

Spray Your Windows

Similar to your dashboard and center console, it is smart to clean your windows before getting to the seats. As before, spray the window cleaner into a sheepskin cloth or soft towel. Make sure you do not use the same detergent on your windows as you do on the vinyl. Using medium force, rub in the same direction to avoid streaking. After you have cleared the window and it is sparkling, put your finger under a towel and trace the outline of the window to remove any leftover chemicals.

Shampoo Or Wipe Your Seats

Depending on what your seats are made of, you are going to want to use a shampoo specifically designed for interiors, or vehicle grade upholstery cleaner. Some shampoos work just fine on upholstery as well, so make sure you check the directions. Place the foam in a bucket and apply water slowly in a gradual fashion. Using a brush, cover it in entirely with foam. The foam is far more important than the liquid because it is what will clean the seats efficiently. Scrub each seat top to bottom, going over stains more than once if necessary. It is important to note that as you are cleaning, wipe off the leftover moisture with a terry cloth towel. No matter what your seats are made of, do not overly soak them. Outside your vehicle, scrub the car mats as well, and replace them inside after they have dried. To dry out the interior, use a fan or leave the windows down in a cool, dry place. By now you will be left with a sleek looking

cabin that smells incredible.


Though car detailing can be done yourself, it is a very time consuming exercise that merits the use of professionals. These experts will service the interior one section at a time and deliver showroom

quality and preserve its condition for years if done at regular intervals.

Original article taken from The Detailing Syndicate