How Often Should A Car Be Waxed? Denver – CO
If pride or necessity has forced you to need your car waxed, you have undoubtedly wondered how often this exercise should be done to maintain the quality and appearance of your vehicle. When initially painted, a clear coat is put on top to ensure the integrity of the color itself. Over time this can be jeopardized for a myriad of reasons; exposure to the elements, damage to the vehicle, age, etc. Regular waxing puts protective coats on top of the previous ones, extending the longevity of your automobile’s aesthetic, as well as becoming maintenance to your car’s frame.
The frequency at which car waxing should be applied boils down to several variables. Is your vehicle commonly used in harsh conditions? What type of weather is your means of transportation parked and driven in? What is the model and paint job of your automobile?
“In most cases, a car should be waxed 3 or 4 times a year, depending on what your end game is. If restoration is your primary goal, this number should increase, whereas if you are merely seeking to maintain a coat, once every three months should suffice”
Waxing your car makes the surface area where applied slippery and resistant to dirt accumulation. It goes without saying that if you are in a terrain that has excessive dust up and kickback, this is going to be a routine activity that needs to be done.
Temperature plays an enormous factor in how often a car should be waxed. High heat or bitter cold can destroy more than your motor, with the exterior typically having no cover between it and inclement weather. In extremely hot locales, the paint job of your vehicle will fade and ‘brown out’ over time. Polish by waxing is, in essence, a sort of sunscreen for your ride. Cold climates are also not ideal for a car’s shine, as it causes paint to be brittle and subject to chipping, especially if in this temperature is for an extended period.
The initial paint job and model of your vehicle will also dictate when waxing needs to occur. The older the make the more pressing this task is. Additionally, certain companies emphasize their finish more than others. However, if you have an expensive car this does not necessarily mean you are in the clear for waxing.
In most cases, a car should be waxed 3 or 4 times a year, depending on what your end game is. If restoration is your primary goal, this number should increase, whereas if you are merely seeking to maintain a coat, once every three months should suffice.
A myth about this process is that a simple cloth and brand new wax can do the trick no problem. Waxing your vehicle should be an organized, fluid and carefully orchestrated exercise that the professionals handle with precision. While we all want to be in charge of our vehicle’s integrity, it is only proper detailing that allows for an even finish with the utmost attention to detail. If you are particularly interested in having your car’s appearance shine for some time, a thorough waxing intermittently throughout 12 calendar months can add years to its life expectancy. How often a car should be waxed depends on its stationary environment and if you are committed to having the job done to perfection.
from The Detailing Syndicate