Does Car Detailing Remove Stains? Boise, ID
We all want our cars to be as clean looking as possible, but unfortunately, some cars seem like stain magnets. You find new stains on the seats or on the mats every time you look. A big part of this is that we do things in the car that we know we should not do. We sometimes eat in the car, which can cause little stains that we do not notice until later. Sometimes we leave drinks in the car, which then get spilled. Regardless of how the stains happen, we can all agree that we want to get rid of them. The best way of doing so is through car detailing. We are going to explain exactly how car detailing gets rid of those nasty stains in your car.
“The process that detailers use for removing a stain and cleaning the interior of a car is extremely thorough”
The stain removal process
The process that detailers use for removing a stain and cleaning the interior of a car is extremely thorough. It is also extremely effective and it will be able to remove pretty much any stain that you could find in a car, from rather mundane stains like spilled drinks or food stains to more serious stains like vomit or other intense stains that sometimes pop up in cars.
Removing everything
The first step to detailing the interior of the car involves removing everything and anything that can be removed. This includes mats, upholstery, if it can be taken out, then the detailed will take it out. There are two reasons why they do this. Firstly, taking the stuff out of the car makes it much easier to identify hard to see stains. Secondly, it is far easier to vigorously clean things when they have actually been removed from the car.
The cleaning process
The actual cleaning is incredibly in-depth and designed to ensure that the entire interior of the car is thoroughly cleaned. Each part of the interior is vacuumed first, which helps pick up any loose dirt and debris. Next, everything is shampooed. This is the part of the detailing process that really gets the stains out. The detailer will use a brush and a very powerful soap to clean every single inch of the interior, with special attention being paid to obvious stains. Some detailers may also choose to use specialty stain remover if the stain is proving especially resistant to the regular cleaning process. After all this, everything will be dried and then vacuumed again. This may seem like overkill, but remember that this process is designed to get rid of very difficult stains. Things like salt stains (which anyone in colder places will be familiar with) are nearly impossible to get out unless you take the car to a detailer. As a method for helping to prevent future stains, detailers may put a special neutralizer on the carpet, this helps prevent the fibers of the carpet from staining as easily.
So, now you understand that the absolute best way for removing interior stains is to take your car to a detailer; the level of care they can provide just surpasses anything your average person can do.
from The Detailing Syndicate
Posted on August 8th, 2017
How Does Auto Detailing Clay Work? San Antonio, TX
If you are not familiar with how cars work or how auto detailing works, then one of the strangest things you may see when you get your car detailed is car detailing clay. See, as part of the detailing process, the technician working on your car will take a solid block of clay and essentially rub it across the car’s exterior like it was a bar of soap. If you are like most people who do not know anything about cars, then your first question will likely be “how does the clay work?” After that, it will likely be “why clay?” We aim to answer both of those questions.
How does clay work?
Auto detailing clay is very similar to the sort of clay that most people are familiar with (you know the clay you play with and use to build stuff). The main difference is that the clay that they use on cars is a lot smoother and a lot stretchier. The clay is also more durable than the type of clay you probably played with as a child. The clay you are used to would not be able to be dragged across a car surface without coming apart, but the type of clay used in body shops is specifically built to resist that sort of punishment.
“Clay picks up all sorts of small dirt and debris. So, it is the perfect tool for getting rid of hard to see pieces of dirt and debris that linger on a car’s surface”
So, using detailing clay is simple. The clay bar just has to be dragged across the car and it will pick up any debris that is on the car surface. See, no matter how many times a car is washed with soap and water, there is still going to be bits of microscopic dirt, dust, and other contaminants left over on the surface of the car. The contaminants will get stuck in crevices or they will get grounded into the surface, which prevents the water from dislodging them. So, the clay bar is dragged across the car surface to pick up these contaminants that otherwise would not have been gotten rid of. The technician will make sure that the entire exterior of the car is treated with the detailing clay.
Why clay?
So, why do the technicians use clay, as opposed to say a wet towel, or something else along those lines to collect leftover dirt and debris? Well, there are two reasons for this. Firstly, think about clay, it is extremely sticky. Clay picks up all sorts of small dirt and debris. So, it is the perfect tool for getting rid of hard to see pieces of dirt and debris that linger on a car’s surface. Secondly, detailing clay is not abrasive. See, towels and cloths are very rough (even if they do not feel like it). They can damage the surface of a car, especially if they are used very roughly. Clay, on the other hand, is completely nonabrasive. Meaning that no matter how hard the detailer drags it across the surface, there is no risk of the clay causing scratches or any other kind of damage to the car’s surface. Check out The Detailing Syndicate – San Antonio, TX to learn more.
from The Detailing Syndicate
Posted on August 7th, 2017
Should You Wax A New Car Right Away? Salt Lake City – UT
Waxing is one of those essential maintenance things that every car owner needs to get done for their car. Wax is important for a car, it helps make the car’s paint really shine (which is especially important if you have a nice, luxury car that you want to show off to people). Wax is also important for helping to keep a car’s paint protected against outside contaminants like dirt, dust, mud, and other debris. But, when exactly should a car star being waxed? If you ask some auto enthusiasts, they will tell you that you should never wax a car right away and that you should wait a few months before starting to wax the car. Others will tell you that you do not need to wait at all and that a new car can start being waxed the moment you park it in your driveway. Which side is right? In this article, we are going to look which side is right.
“Up until around the 1980s, inner layers of paint on brand-new cars would not be dry until a few months after the car was actually sold. But, this is true no longer”
When to wax?
So, as was said in the beginning of the article, there are those out there who believe that you should never wax a car right away. Auto enthusiasts always have their own rule of thumb for when you can start waxing a brand-new car. Some will say to wait a month, others will say to wait a few months at least. The reason for this is that some auto enthusiasts assume that a new car’s paint will not be completely dry yet, thus waxing it could mess with the paint’s drying process. The outer layer of the paint may be dry, but the inner coats of paint could still be wet, and applying wax to the car’s finish would interfere with the drying process.
The problem with this assumption is that it is based on incorrect information. Once upon a time, cars were sold before their paint dried. Up until around the 1980s, inner layers of paint on brand-new cars would not be dry until a few months after the car was actually sold. But, this is true no longer. Modern car paints dry very quickly, so there is no reason to be worried about waiting for your car’s paint to dry before you start waxing it. So, waxing a new car the first day you get it will do absolutely no damage to the paint.
But, should you bother to wax a new car right away, or is that just a waste of your time and money. The answer is yes, you should wax a new car right away or get it waxed by professional detailers. See, you have to remember, even though a car is brand-new, that does not mean that it has not been subjected to any wear and tear. For example, the car may have been transported in an open-air transport and thus its paint job would have been exposed to the elements. Getting a new car waxed can help preserve the car’s exterior and help keep the car looking brand-new.
At The Detailing Syndicate – Salt Lake City, UT we believe that waxing is an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to auto detailing and keeping your vehicle in top top condition. If you would like to learn more about our top tier detailing services and how they can benefit your vehicle then go here.
from The Detailing Syndicate
Posted on August 6th, 2017
What is The Purpose of Waxing a Car? Albuquerque, NM
Almost every body shop, car wash, and auto detailer in Albuquerque – NM, offers car waxing as one of their main services. It is not just body shops that stress the importance of waxing either. Every store out there that carries car supplies also carries a huge variety of car wax. So, clearly waxing is something very important for a car, but, why exactly do you wax a car? The answer is obvious to most experienced auto enthusiasts, but if you still new to the world of cars, the purpose of waxing may not be clear. In this article, we are going to take a look at the multiple reasons why people choose to get their car waxed.
“If your clear coat is unable to protect your car’s paint, then you will start to see rust and general degradation set in… wax acts as another layer of protection”
To make the car really shine
When you first get a car, the paint will have a nice shine to it (of course, this is assuming that the car is new, and not second hand). However, over time, that shine starts to wear off. As the car is exposed to the elements, the car’s paint picks up contaminants like dirt, dust, and debris. These ruin the car’s paint and remove the car’s distinctive shine. So, waxing a car is one of the best ways of getting a car to shine like it did when it first rolled off the assembly line. Having a nice, shiny car exterior may not seem all that important, but remember that for a lot of people their car is a big part of their persona. Their colleagues see it when they drive to work and their neighbors see it when they park it in the driveway. So, having a great looking car exterior is the perfect way of showing off to those groups and showing them that they know how to take care of their car.
It helps protect the car exterior
Modern cars have several layers of paint. Starting all the way from the metal of the car, until you reach the very last coating, which is intended as one final layer of protection for the car’s surface. This is known as the “clear coat,” and it is intended to protect the other layers of paint from rain, snow, sleet, dirt, mud, debris, etc. Basically, anything that can damage your car’s paint job is stopped from doing any real damage by your car’s clear coat. However, like all things on your car the clear coat starts to decline due to general wear and tear. If your clear coat is unable to protect your car’s paint, then you will start to see rust and general degradation set in. Wax acts as another layer of protection. It helps keep your vehicle’s clear coat strong and it helps protect your vehicle from debris and inclement weather. Obviously, the wax layer is not as good as the clear coat, but an extra layer of protection never hurts.
Hopefully, you now see why waxing a vehicle is so important and why so many vehicle owners take their vehicles to detailers to get them waxed (which is much easier then doing it yourself!). If you are interested in having your vehicle fully detailed and waxed, you can learn more here The Detailing Syndicate – Albuquerque, NM
from The Detailing Syndicate
Posted on August 5th, 2017
Benefits of Waxing Your Car, New Haven – CT
Lots of car owners out there choose not to wax their car. They either do not have the time to do it themselves and they do not have the time and money to bring it to an auto detailer to get it done for themselves. A lot of vehicle owners do not bother getting their car waxed because they assume that all waxing does is add a layer of shine to their car’s exterior. While it is true that waxing your car does make it really shine, it also has a bunch of other benefits besides just making your car look great. In this article, we are going to look at just some of the many benefits that waxing your car regularly brings.
It makes your car get dirtier slower
When you drive your car, things like dirt, dust, and other stuff like that attaches itself to your car’s exterior. Plus, even when you are not driving, you have to worry about stuff like rain and other inclement weather ruining your car’s exterior. Well, one of the main benefits of getting your car waxed regularly is that it helps provide an extra layer of protection for your vehicle’s exterior. The rain and other debris will just slide off the exterior of your car when it has that extra layer of wax. Now, the protection will eventually wear off, which is why you need to take your car to get it waxed regularly, to constantly keep your car protected.
“The rain and other debris will just slide off the exterior of your car when it has that extra layer of wax”
It provides extra protection against the sun
This benefit is a bit region dependent, since not every state gets huge amounts of sunshine. Those car owners who live in hot southern states like Florida, Arizona, Texas, etc., will know just how bad the constant sun can be for a car’s paint job. The extreme heat of the sun can actually cause a car’s paint to start degrading in just a couple of years. Regular waxing does the same thing for your car that sunscreen does for you; the wax helps reduce the effect that the sun has on your car’s paint.
It gives your car one extra layer of protection
The final, non-cosmetic benefit of waxing that we want to talk about is the fact that waxing your car regularly gives it one extra layer of protection against the elements and debris. For those who do not know, there are actually layers to your vehicle’s exterior. Each layer serves a purpose, but generally speaking, all the layers are trying to protect the actual metal of the car. Getting a car waxed regularly essentially adds one more layer to the car’s exterior. This extra layer can help protect against scratches, pebbles, dirt, mud, sand, dust, and anything else that might damage your car’s exterior. This is extremely important because when it comes to your car, you want as much extra protection as possible.
There you have it, 3 distinct, non-cosmetic reasons to either start waxing your car yourself or to take it down to a detailer and get it waxed. Waxing is just one of the multiple treatments that we perform as part of our detailing packages… Check us out here.
from The Detailing Syndicate
Posted on August 4th, 2017
Does Car Detailing Remove Mold? Houston, TX

from The Detailing Syndicate
Posted on July 27th, 2017
Can Auto Detailing Remove Scratches?

The Detailing Syndicate - Denver, CO
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What Does Auto Detailing Entail?

If you require high level car detailing in Austin TX, please do visit our page
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To learn more about our complete detailing services in San Antonio, TX visit
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